American Lutheran Classics

The American Lutheran Classics series brings together many of the formative works of early American Lutheranism, from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. These works explain Lutheran identity in terms of the Lutheran dogmatic tradition, especially expounding upon those aspects of theology and practice which differentiate Lutheranism from other Christian traditions.


The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel by C.F.W. Walther, American Lutheran Classics Volume 7

C.F.W. Walther’s “The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel” is the Missouri Synod theologian’s greatest theological work. This book consists of a series of thirty-nine lectures that Dr. Walther gave his seminary students at the end of his life on one of the foundational elements of Lutheran thought. In twenty-five theses, Walther expounds upon the distinction between the Law as God’s demands upon his creatures, and the Gospel of God’s free grace in Christ. Each thesis is defended by extensive Scriptural exegesis.

Price: $13


A Summary of the Christian Faith by Henry Eyster Jacobs, American Lutheran Classics Volume 6

“The Christian Faith” is Henry Eyster Jacobs’ magnum opus. It is a systematic theology of the Christian faith written in a catechetical format from a Confessional Lutheran perspective. The work is written in a series of questions and answers on various doctrinal topics. Throughout the work, Jacobs defends his views through use of Scripture and the Lutheran fathers. This text is readable enough to be studied by the layman but with enough depth to teach the learned pastor and scholar.

Volume 1: $15

Volume 2: Coming soon…


The Lutheran Doctrine of the Lord’s Supper by H.I. Schmidt, American Lutheran Classics Volume 5

There is no doctrine which distinguishes Lutheranism from the vast world of Protestantism more than the teaching of the Lord’s Supper. The contention that Christ’s body and blood are in, with, and under the Eucharistic elements in central to Lutheran identity. In this work, Henry Immanuel Schmidt defends the historic Lutheran teaching on this subject against some who claimed the name Lutheran, but adopted a Reformed view of the Supper. He deals with topics such as: The words of institution, the text of 1 Corinthians 11, the communication of attributes from Christ’s divinity to his humanity, and the nature of figurative language in Scripture. This work is essential reading for anyone interested in learning about, or defending the Lutheran view of Holy Communion.

Price: $12


Elements of Religion by Henry Eyster Jacobs, American Lutheran Classics Volume 4

Henry Eyster Jacobs was one of the greatest American Lutheran theologians of the 19th century. In this work, Jacobs summarizes the basics of Dogmatic Theology in the Lutheran tradition. Following the traditional Loci method, Jacobs discusses every major topic of Christian theology such as: The Doctrine of God, Christ, Salvation, the Means of Grace, and the Church. He treats these subjects in a Biblical and Confessional manner.

With a lack of contemporary Dogmatics texts in English, Jacobs’ work serves as a much needed introduction to, and overview of, Lutheran theology. He writes in a manner that is engaging, readable, and practical.

Price: $14


Biblical Dogmatics by A.G. Voigt, American Lutheran Classics Volume 3

A.G. Voigt’s Biblical Dogmatics is a short and comprehensive account of Christian Theology from a Lutheran perspective. Voigt uses the traditional Loci method of Lutheran Scholasticism, while being sensitive to the best of early twentieth century Biblical scholarship. He covers all major topics in Christian theology, and does so in a manner that is readable and exegetically sensitive. This is an ideal introduction to Lutheran Dogmatics.

Among the topics covered in this work are: Theology proper, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the nature of salvation, the sacraments, the church, and eschatology. Voigt’s approach to these issues is Biblical and Confessional.

Price: $14


The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church G.H. Gerberding American Lutheran Classics Volume 1

In this classic work, George Henry Gerberding puts forth an explanation of the Lutheran view of salvation in light of American revivalism. He talks about such issues as Baptism, Sunday School, Christian parenting, Justification, and the difference between true and false revivals. This work is written to a lay audience and is a helpful introduction to Lutheran theology and practice. This edition has been updated with contemporary language.

Price: $12.00 | Kindle: $9.00